Clancy and Midge Woodsen


Down in the deep south of Bangaloo is a small town called East Welmington. It's drier than a rusty pipe and home to some of the hottest women around. And for the men? Well, they're just alright. That is except for Clancy Woodsen. Clancy is just like any other rat: he likes his coffee black and tobacco rolled. He makes his dime working at the local saloon, running Black Jack for all the nimrods who enter in silver studded boots and breath already damp with whisky. The money isn't great, but the boss pays Clancy under the table to help him cheat. No one ever asks, but all Clancy really wants is to own a bait shop. Turns out no one needs fishing supplies in a drought and worse, rats don't even eat fish. The few hours he's not working or day dreaming about the bait shop, Clancy is raising little Midge. He calls her "Dart." Each night, when Midge has been tucked in and the closet has been checked for monsters, Clancy deals with his own demons. With a lighter, legal pad and lavender pen, he heads to the Juniper tree at the end of their yard. There he writes his dear Georgia Anne love letters, but she never seems to get them. There isn't a mailbox in heaven anyway.


Our House (2023)


Clown Girl